ZUUS Media Inc Company Information
ZUUS Media Inc is located in NY. ZUUS Media Inc mainly operate in the Other Performing Arts Companies industry. Currently they have estimated 40 employees.
- Website:
- http://www.zuus.com
- Size:
40 employees
- Headquarters:
- 3 Columbus Cir, NY 10019
- Phone Number:
- +1 (916) 799-xxxx
- +1 (646) 664-xxxx
- Industry:
Other Performing Arts Companies
Employees at ZUUS Media Inc
Employee | @zuus.com | - |
New York, New York | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President Of Program Development and Artist Relations | @zuus.com | +1 (702) 238-xxxx | California | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President New Business Development | @translationllc.com | - |
New York, New York | VIEW PROFILE |
Employee | @zuus.com | - |
New York, New York | VIEW PROFILE |
Employee | @zuus.com | - |
Deerfield Beach, Florida | VIEW PROFILE |
Employee | @zuus.com | - |
Nashville, Tennessee | VIEW PROFILE |
Employee | @zuus.com | - |
Nashville, Tennessee | VIEW PROFILE |
Hr / Ar / Ap | @zuus.com | - |
Fort Lauderdale, Florida | VIEW PROFILE |
Intern | @zuus.com | - |
Green, Kentucky | VIEW PROFILE |
Director Of Ad Operations and Yield Management | @zuus.com | - |
New York, New York | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President Of Program Development and Artist Relations
California Vice President New Business Development
New York, New York Enter an employee name to search and verify work emails, phone numbers and social links etc.
ZUUS Media Inc's Email Format
We found 3 email formats used by ZUUS Media Inc employees. The most common ZUUS Media Inc email format is first ex.(jane@zuus.com) being used 82% of the time.
FORMAT | % | ||
First | jane@zuus.com | 82% | |
First.last | jane.doe@zuus.com | 12% | |
Others | @zuus.com | 6% |