Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc Company Information


Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc is located in IN. Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc mainly operate in the Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools industry. Currently they have estimated 40 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

40 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
3450 Founders Rd, IN 46268
phone icon Phone Number:
(360) 866-xxxx
+1 (317) 872-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Employees at Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc

Showing 9 of 42
Vice President Of Recruitment @elon.edu
Salisbury, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Province President @miller-motte.edu +1 (843) 591-xxxx Myrtle Beach, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Historian @flsouthern.edu
Lakeland, Florida VIEW PROFILE
President @ef.com
Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Vice President I, Philanthropy Chair, Sisterhood Chair @kirbycorp.com
Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Traveling Leadership Consultant @luxor.com
Henderson, Nevada VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Membership @ctot.com
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Think Pink Event Board, Eta Zeta Chapter @newbalance.com
London, Londo VIEW PROFILE
President @target.com
Lubbock, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Recruitment
Salisbury, Maryland
Province President
Myrtle Beach, South Carolina
Lakeland, Florida
Boston, Massachusetts
Vice President I, Philanthropy Chair, Sisterhood Chair
Houston, Texas
Traveling Leadership Consultant
Henderson, Nevada
Vice President Of Membership
New York, New York
Think Pink Event Board, Eta Zeta Chapter
London, Londo
Lubbock, Texas

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc employees. The most common Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc email format is others ex.(@zetataualpha.org) being used 73% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc

What is Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc's website address?

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc's website address is http://zetataualpha.org

What is Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc's phone number?

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc's phone number is (360) 866-xxxx

How many email formats does Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc use?

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc?

Approximately 40 employees work at Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc

Where is Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc located?

Zeta Tau Alpha Foundation Inc is located in 3450 Founders Rd, IN 46268