XPIENT Solutions, LLC Company Information
XPIENT Solutions, LLC is located in NC. XPIENT Solutions, LLC mainly operate in the Custom Computer Programming Services industry. Currently they have estimated 180 employees.
- Website:
- http://www.xpient.com
- Size:
180 employees
- Headquarters:
- 3420 Toringdon Way Ste 400, NC 28277
- Phone Number:
- +1 (704) 295-xxxx
- Industry:
Custom Computer Programming Services
Employees at XPIENT Solutions, LLC
Cso, Coo | @xpient.com | - |
North Carolina | VIEW PROFILE |
Employee | @transfirst.com | +1 (603) 601-xxxx | Boston, Massachusetts | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President - Exception Management | @xpient.com | - |
Charlotte, North Carolina | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President Sales | @xpient.com | - |
Atlanta, Georgia | VIEW PROFILE |
Software Engineer | @xpient.com | - |
Charlotte, North Carolina | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President Regional Sales | @rmagic.com | - |
Estados Unidos, Bahia | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President Professional Services | @xpient.com | - |
Temecula, California | VIEW PROFILE |
Development Manager | @xpient.com | - |
Charlotte, North Carolina | VIEW PROFILE |
Software Engineer | @cardlog.com | - |
Florida | VIEW PROFILE |
Vice President, Sales At Xpient Solutions, Llc | @xpient.com | - |
Charlotte, North Carolina | VIEW PROFILE |
Cso, Coo
North Carolina Vice President - Exception Management
Charlotte, North Carolina Vice President Sales
Atlanta, Georgia Software Engineer
Charlotte, North Carolina Vice President Regional Sales
Estados Unidos, Bahia Vice President Professional Services
Temecula, California Development Manager
Charlotte, North Carolina Software Engineer
Florida Vice President, Sales At Xpient Solutions, Llc
Charlotte, North Carolina Enter an employee name to search and verify work emails, phone numbers and social links etc.
XPIENT Solutions, LLC's Email Format
We found 3 email formats used by XPIENT Solutions, LLC employees. The most common XPIENT Solutions, LLC email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@xpient.com) being used 69% of the time.
FORMAT | % | ||
First.last | jane.doe@xpient.com | 69% | |
Last | doe@xpient.com | 6% | |
Others | @xpient.com | 6% |