Weis Markets, Inc. Company Information


Weis Markets, Inc. is located in PA. Weis Markets, Inc. mainly operate in the Miscellaneous Retail industry. Currently they have estimated 1,210 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,210 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
16 Industrial Park Rd, PA 17847
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (814) 342-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Miscellaneous Retail

Employees at Weis Markets, Inc.

Showing 10 of 206
District Manager @weismarkets.com
Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Corporate Controller @weismarkets.com +1 (570) 286-xxxx Sunbury, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Director Hbc / Gm @weismarkets.com +1 (570) 988-xxxx Sunbury, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Positions Held Include Regional Vice President Of Operations and Vice President Operations @weismarkets.com
Saint Clairsville, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Cio @supervalu.com +1 (952) 828-xxxx Atlanta, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
District Manager @safeway.com +1 (301) 944-xxxx Silver Spring, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Employee @riteaid.com +1 (570) 863-xxxx Bronx, New York VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Human Resources @weismarkets.com
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Marketing and Merchandising @state.pa.us
Horst, Noord-Brabant VIEW PROFILE
Deli Clerk @weismarkets.com +1 (570) 286-xxxx Bel Air, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
District Manager
Corporate Controller
Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Director Hbc / Gm
Sunbury, Pennsylvania
Positions Held Include Regional Vice President Of Operations and Vice President Operations
Saint Clairsville, Ohio
Vice President and Cio
Atlanta, Georgia
District Manager
Silver Spring, Maryland
Bronx, New York
Vice President, Human Resources
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Director Of Marketing and Merchandising
Horst, Noord-Brabant
Deli Clerk
Bel Air, Maryland

Weis Markets, Inc.'s Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Weis Markets, Inc. employees. The most common Weis Markets, Inc. email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@weismarkets.com) being used 87% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Weis Markets, Inc.

What is Weis Markets, Inc.'s website address?

Weis Markets, Inc.'s website address is http://www.weismarkets.com

What is Weis Markets, Inc.'s phone number?

Weis Markets, Inc.'s phone number is +1 (814) 342-xxxx

How many email formats does Weis Markets, Inc. use?

Weis Markets, Inc. uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Weis Markets, Inc.?

Approximately 1,210 employees work at Weis Markets, Inc.

Where is Weis Markets, Inc. located?

Weis Markets, Inc. is located in 16 Industrial Park Rd, PA 17847