WEA Trust Company Information


WEA Trust is located in WI. WEA Trust mainly operate in the Insurance Carriers industry. Currently they have estimated 280 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

280 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
45 Nob Hill Rd, WI 53713
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (608) 276-xxxx
+1 (800) 276-xxxx
+1 (608) 276-xxxx
+1 (657) 278-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Insurance Carriers

Employees at WEA Trust

Showing 9 of 155
Executive Vice President and Cfo @legioninsurance.com
Director Of Government Relations @weatrust.com +1 (608) 276-xxxx Vance, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Employee @pplusic.com
Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
President and Ceo @weatrust.com
Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
President and Ceo @wisconsin.gov
Moody, New York VIEW PROFILE
Sales Reporting and Systems Specialist @amfam.com
Sorenson, California VIEW PROFILE
Care Management Assistant Director @uwhealth.org +1 (608) 263-xxxx Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Regulatory Compliance Director and Associate General Counsel @weatrust.com
Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Office Assistant @weatrust.com
Madison, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and Cfo
Director Of Government Relations
Vance, Texas
Madison, Wisconsin
President and Ceo
Madison, Wisconsin
President and Ceo
Moody, New York
Sales Reporting and Systems Specialist
Sorenson, California
Care Management Assistant Director
Madison, Wisconsin
Regulatory Compliance Director and Associate General Counsel
Madison, Wisconsin
Office Assistant
Madison, Wisconsin

WEA Trust's Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by WEA Trust employees. The most common WEA Trust email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@weatrust.com) being used 76% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About WEA Trust

What is WEA Trust's website address?

WEA Trust's website address is https://www.weatrust.com

What is WEA Trust's phone number?

WEA Trust's phone number is +1 (608) 276-xxxx

How many email formats does WEA Trust use?

WEA Trust uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at WEA Trust?

Approximately 280 employees work at WEA Trust

Where is WEA Trust located?

WEA Trust is located in 45 Nob Hill Rd, WI 53713