Upper Iowa University Company Information


Upper Iowa University is located in IA. Upper Iowa University mainly operate in the Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools industry. Currently they have estimated 1,000 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,000 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
605 Washington St, IA 52142
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (563) 425-xxxx
85 779 4713
+1 (563) 425-xxxx
+1 (563) 425-xxxx
+1 (800) 553-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Colleges, Universities, and Professional Schools

Employees at Upper Iowa University

Showing 10 of 177
Executive Director Of Admissions @uiu.edu
Fayette, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Milwaukee Area Coordinator Milwaukee Elkhorn Racine @uiu.edu +1 (414) 475-xxxx Fayette, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Vice President For Enrollment Management @uiu.edu
Waterloo, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Human Resources @uiu.edu
Marshfield, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @uiu.edu +1 (563) 425-xxxx Fayette, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Associate Vice President For Advancement @uiu.edu
Johnson, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial and Planning Officer @uiu.edu
Waterloo, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President @uiu.edu +1 (563) 425-xxxx Fayette, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Directivo @uiu.edu +1 (563) 425-xxxx Waterloo, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Presidential Spouse @uiu.edu
Mcdermott, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Executive Director Of Admissions
Fayette, Iowa
Milwaukee Area Coordinator Milwaukee Elkhorn Racine
Fayette, Iowa
Vice President For Enrollment Management
Waterloo, Iowa
Vice President Human Resources
Marshfield, Wisconsin
Vice President
Fayette, Iowa
Associate Vice President For Advancement
Johnson, Wisconsin
Executive Vice President and Chief Financial and Planning Officer
Waterloo, Iowa
Senior Vice President
Fayette, Iowa
Waterloo, Iowa
Presidential Spouse
Mcdermott, Ohio

Upper Iowa University's Email Format

We found 9 email formats used by Upper Iowa University employees. The most common Upper Iowa University email format is last first_initial ex.(doej@uiu.edu) being used 82% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Upper Iowa University

What is Upper Iowa University's website address?

Upper Iowa University's website address is http://www.uiu.edu

What is Upper Iowa University's phone number?

Upper Iowa University's phone number is +1 (563) 425-xxxx

How many email formats does Upper Iowa University use?

Upper Iowa University uses 9 email formats

How many employees work at Upper Iowa University?

Approximately 1,000 employees work at Upper Iowa University

Where is Upper Iowa University located?

Upper Iowa University is located in 605 Washington St, IA 52142