University of Washington-Bothell Company Information


University of Washington-Bothell is located in WA. University of Washington-Bothell mainly operate in the Colleges and Universities industry. Currently they have estimated 5,070 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

5,070 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
18115 Campus NE Way, WA 98011
phone icon Phone Number:
(585) 383-xxxx
+1 (425) 352-xxxx
+1 (425) 352-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Colleges and Universities

Employees at University of Washington-Bothell

Showing 9 of 991
Sport Official
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Asuwb President
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Admissions Advisor
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Professor and Chair, Division Of Biological Sciences +1 (206) 685-xxxx Bothell, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Adjunct Faculty
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Office Assistant 2 For the Office Of Academic Affairs
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Administrator, School Of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Bothell, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Asuwb Vice President +1 (206) 685-xxxx New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Vice Chancellor / Director Of Enrollment Management and University Registrar +1 (607) 844-xxxx Camarillo, California VIEW PROFILE
Sport Official
Seattle, Washington
Asuwb President
Seattle, Washington
Admissions Advisor
San Francisco, California
Professor and Chair, Division Of Biological Sciences
Bothell, Washington
Adjunct Faculty
Seattle, Washington
Office Assistant 2 For the Office Of Academic Affairs
Seattle, Washington
Administrator, School Of Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences
Bothell, Washington
Asuwb Vice President
New York, New York
Assistant Vice Chancellor / Director Of Enrollment Management and University Registrar
Camarillo, California

University of Washington-Bothell's Email Format

We found 3 email formats used by University of Washington-Bothell employees. The most common University of Washington-Bothell email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 92% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About University of Washington-Bothell

What is University of Washington-Bothell's website address?

University of Washington-Bothell's website address is

What is University of Washington-Bothell's phone number?

University of Washington-Bothell's phone number is (585) 383-xxxx

How many email formats does University of Washington-Bothell use?

University of Washington-Bothell uses 3 email formats

How many employees work at University of Washington-Bothell?

Approximately 5,070 employees work at University of Washington-Bothell

Where is University of Washington-Bothell located?

University of Washington-Bothell is located in 18115 Campus NE Way, WA 98011