SMSC incorporated Company Information


SMSC incorporated is located in NY. SMSC incorporated mainly operate in the Electronic Components and Accessories industry. Currently they have estimated 840 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social
size company icon Size:

840 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
80 Arkay Dr, NY 11788
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (631) 435-xxxx
1-608 661-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Electronic Components and Accessories

Employees at SMSC incorporated

Showing 9 of 322
Vice President Automotive Product Engineering and Global Quality +1 (847) 426-xxxx Hauppauge, New York VIEW PROFILE
Div. Vice President
Portland, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Marketing and Business Development
Fort Wayne, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Development Excellence
Senior Vice President and Gm, Wireless Products Group +1 (631) 435-xxxx El Segundo, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Systems and New Product Development
Wurzburg, Bremen VIEW PROFILE
Senior Director Supply Management
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Vice President +1 (631) 435-xxxx Wahler, Azad Kashmir VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Automotive Product Engineering and Global Quality
Hauppauge, New York
Div. Vice President
Portland, Oregon
Vice President Marketing and Business Development
Fort Wayne, Indiana
New York, New York
Vice President Development Excellence
Senior Vice President and Gm, Wireless Products Group
El Segundo, California
Vice President Systems and New Product Development
Wurzburg, Bremen
Senior Director Supply Management
New York, New York
Vice President
Wahler, Azad Kashmir

SMSC incorporated's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by SMSC incorporated employees. The most common SMSC incorporated email format is first.last ex.( being used 77% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About SMSC incorporated

What is SMSC incorporated's website address?

SMSC incorporated's website address is

What is SMSC incorporated's phone number?

SMSC incorporated's phone number is +1 (631) 435-xxxx

How many email formats does SMSC incorporated use?

SMSC incorporated uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at SMSC incorporated?

Approximately 840 employees work at SMSC incorporated

Where is SMSC incorporated located?

SMSC incorporated is located in 80 Arkay Dr, NY 11788