Smith & Wesson Corp. Company Information


Smith & Wesson Corp. is located in MA. Smith & Wesson Corp. mainly operate in the Small Arms industry. Currently they have estimated 610 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

610 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
2100 Roosevelt Ave, MA 1104
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (800) 331-xxxx
+1 (413) 747-xxxx
+1 (413) 781-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Small Arms

Employees at Smith & Wesson Corp.

Showing 8 of 107
President and Coo, Firearms Division
Simsbury, Connecticut VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Corporate Controller
Mcpherson, New Jersey VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Finance +1 (419) 372-xxxx Springfield, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Investor Relations
Phoenix, Arizona VIEW PROFILE
Chief Compliance Cco Officer; Vice President Internal Audit
Hartford, Connecticut VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Military Programs At Smith and Wesson +1 (248) 625-xxxx Clarkston, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Lean
Connecticut VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and Cfo
Springfield, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
President and Coo, Firearms Division
Simsbury, Connecticut
Vice President and Corporate Controller
Mcpherson, New Jersey
Vice President - Finance
Springfield, Massachusetts
Vice President, Investor Relations
Phoenix, Arizona
Chief Compliance Cco Officer; Vice President Internal Audit
Hartford, Connecticut
Vice President, Military Programs At Smith and Wesson
Clarkston, Michigan
Vice President Of Lean
Executive Vice President and Cfo
Springfield, Massachusetts

Smith & Wesson Corp.'s Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by Smith & Wesson Corp. employees. The most common Smith & Wesson Corp. email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 69% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Smith & Wesson Corp.

What is Smith & Wesson Corp.'s website address?

Smith & Wesson Corp.'s website address is

What is Smith & Wesson Corp.'s phone number?

Smith & Wesson Corp.'s phone number is +1 (800) 331-xxxx

How many email formats does Smith & Wesson Corp. use?

Smith & Wesson Corp. uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at Smith & Wesson Corp.?

Approximately 610 employees work at Smith & Wesson Corp.

Where is Smith & Wesson Corp. located?

Smith & Wesson Corp. is located in 2100 Roosevelt Ave, MA 1104