SIG SAUER Inc Company Information


SIG SAUER Inc is located in Portsmouth NH. SIG SAUER Inc mainly operate in the Educational Services industry. Currently they have estimated 530 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

530 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
72 Pease Blvd, NH 3801
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (603) 610-xxxx
+1 (603) 772-xxxx
(610) 973-xxxx
+1 (603) 772-xxxx
+1 (603) 610-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Educational Services

Employees at SIG SAUER Inc

Showing 8 of 399
Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Territory Sales Manager
Rochester, New York VIEW PROFILE
Quality Manager
Ellington, Connecticut VIEW PROFILE
Dir. Of Public Relations +1 (252) 288-xxxx New Bern, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President, Clo, and Secretary At Sig Sauer. Inc +1 (603) 772-xxxx Exeter, New Hampshire VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Human Resources +1 (603) 772-xxxx Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Product Development-Electro-Optics Division
Portland, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (214) 827-xxxx Dallas, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Boston, Massachusetts
Territory Sales Manager
Rochester, New York
Quality Manager
Ellington, Connecticut
Dir. Of Public Relations
New Bern, North Carolina
Executive Vice President, Clo, and Secretary At Sig Sauer. Inc
Exeter, New Hampshire
Vice President, Human Resources
Boston, Massachusetts
Vice President Of Product Development-Electro-Optics Division
Portland, Oregon
Dallas, Texas

SIG SAUER Inc's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by SIG SAUER Inc employees. The most common SIG SAUER Inc email format is first.last ex.( being used 87% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About SIG SAUER Inc

What is SIG SAUER Inc's website address?

SIG SAUER Inc's website address is

What is SIG SAUER Inc's phone number?

SIG SAUER Inc's phone number is +1 (603) 610-xxxx

How many email formats does SIG SAUER Inc use?

SIG SAUER Inc uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at SIG SAUER Inc?

Approximately 530 employees work at SIG SAUER Inc

Where is SIG SAUER Inc located?

SIG SAUER Inc is located in 72 Pease Blvd, NH 3801