S&A Homes Inc Company Information


S&A Homes Inc is located in PA. S&A Homes Inc mainly operate in the Building Construction General Contractors and Operative Builders industry. Currently they have estimated 250 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

250 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
2121 Old Gatesburg Rd, PA 16803
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (814) 696-xxxx
+1 (855) 724-xxxx
+1 (814) 231-xxxx
+1 (814) 231-xxxx
(415) 800-xxxx
+1 (814) 696-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Building Construction General Contractors and Operative Builders

Employees at S&A Homes Inc

Showing 9 of 185
Vice President, Investment Real Estate and Property Management @psu.edu
Fort Collins, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President @sahomebuilder.com
Pepper, Delaware VIEW PROFILE
Corporate Controller @sahomebuilder.com
State College, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @sahomebuilder.com
Fraser, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Regional Sales Manager @sahomebuilder.com +1 (480) 226-xxxx Phoenix, Arizona VIEW PROFILE
Assistant To President @sahomebuilder.com
State College, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Divisional Sales Manager @sahomebuilder.com
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @sahomebuilder.com
Frazier, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Construction / Hr @sahomebuilder.com
Campbell, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Investment Real Estate and Property Management
Fort Collins, Colorado
Executive Vice President
Pepper, Delaware
Corporate Controller
State College, Pennsylvania
Vice President
Fraser, Michigan
Regional Sales Manager
Phoenix, Arizona
Assistant To President
State College, Pennsylvania
Divisional Sales Manager
Harrisburg, Pennsylvania
Vice President
Frazier, West Virginia
Vice President Of Construction / Hr
Campbell, California

S&A Homes Inc's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by S&A Homes Inc employees. The most common S&A Homes Inc email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@sahomebuilder.com) being used 62% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About S&A Homes Inc

What is S&A Homes Inc's website address?

S&A Homes Inc's website address is http://sahomebuilder.com

What is S&A Homes Inc's phone number?

S&A Homes Inc's phone number is +1 (814) 696-xxxx

How many email formats does S&A Homes Inc use?

S&A Homes Inc uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at S&A Homes Inc?

Approximately 250 employees work at S&A Homes Inc

Where is S&A Homes Inc located?

S&A Homes Inc is located in 2121 Old Gatesburg Rd, PA 16803