PolyMem Wound Dressings Company Information


PolyMem Wound Dressings is located in TX. PolyMem Wound Dressings mainly operate in the Surgical, Medical, and Dental Instruments and Supplies industry. Currently they have estimated 100 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

100 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
5133 Northeast Pkwy, TX 76106
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (800) 765-xxxx
+1 (817) 900-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Surgical, Medical, and Dental Instruments and Supplies

Employees at PolyMem Wound Dressings

Showing 10 of 85
President At Ferris Mfg. Corp @polymem.com
Santa Fe, New Mexico VIEW PROFILE
Corporate Vice President Of Sales @polymem.com
Memphis, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Sales @polymem.com +1 (630) 887-xxxx Burr Ridge, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
National Idn Coordinator, Vice President Of Sales @polymem.com
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Quality and Regulatory At Ferris Mfg. Corp @polymem.com
Dallas, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Product Development @boeing.com
Fort Worth, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Corporate Accounts @polymem.com +1 (760) 685-xxxx Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Sales @polymem.com
Chicago, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Sales @polymem.com
Indianapolis, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President @polymem.com
President At Ferris Mfg. Corp
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Corporate Vice President Of Sales
Memphis, Tennessee
Vice President, Sales
Burr Ridge, Illinois
National Idn Coordinator, Vice President Of Sales
Minneapolis, Minnesota
Director Of Quality and Regulatory At Ferris Mfg. Corp
Dallas, Texas
Vice President Of Product Development
Fort Worth, Texas
Vice President, Corporate Accounts
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Vice President, Sales
Chicago, Illinois
Vice President Of Sales
Indianapolis, Indiana
Senior Vice President

PolyMem Wound Dressings' Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by PolyMem Wound Dressings employees. The most common PolyMem Wound Dressings email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@polymem.com) being used 79% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About PolyMem Wound Dressings

What is PolyMem Wound Dressings's website address?

PolyMem Wound Dressings's website address is http://polymem.com

What is PolyMem Wound Dressings's phone number?

PolyMem Wound Dressings's phone number is +1(817)900-1301

How many email formats does PolyMem Wound Dressings use?

PolyMem Wound Dressings uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at PolyMem Wound Dressings?

Approximately 100 employees work at PolyMem Wound Dressings

Where is PolyMem Wound Dressings located?

PolyMem Wound Dressings is located in 5133 Northeast Pkwy, TX 76106