PJM Interconnection LLC Company Information


PJM Interconnection LLC is located in Butler NJ. PJM Interconnection LLC mainly operate in the Other Electric Power Generation industry. Currently they have estimated 1,350 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,350 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
35 Cherry Tree Ln, NJ 7405
phone icon Phone Number:
(610) 666-xxxx
+1 (610) 666-xxxx
+1 (610) 666-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Other Electric Power Generation

Employees at PJM Interconnection LLC

Showing 9 of 328
General Manager; Vice President @maine.gov
Senior Ux Designer / Certified Scrummaster @specialtyminerals.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Pjm Eis @pjm.com +1 (610) 666-xxxx Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, General Counsel and Board Secretary @andrewskurth.com +1 (202) 624-xxxx Washington, District Of Columbia VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President Hr and Corporate Services @pjm.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Cto @viridityenergy.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Manager Demand Side Response Operations @pjm.com
Baltimore, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Employee @pjm.com
Foster, Rhode Island VIEW PROFILE
Vice President / General Counsel @pjm.com
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
General Manager; Vice President
Senior Ux Designer / Certified Scrummaster
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vice President, Pjm Eis
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vice President, General Counsel and Board Secretary
Washington, District Of Columbia
Senior Vice President Hr and Corporate Services
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Vice President and Cto
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Manager Demand Side Response Operations
Baltimore, Maryland
Foster, Rhode Island
Vice President / General Counsel
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania

PJM Interconnection LLC's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by PJM Interconnection LLC employees. The most common PJM Interconnection LLC email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@pjm.com) being used 44% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About PJM Interconnection LLC

What is PJM Interconnection LLC's website address?

PJM Interconnection LLC's website address is http://pjm.com

What is PJM Interconnection LLC's phone number?

PJM Interconnection LLC's phone number is (610) 666-xxxx

How many email formats does PJM Interconnection LLC use?

PJM Interconnection LLC uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at PJM Interconnection LLC?

Approximately 1,350 employees work at PJM Interconnection LLC

Where is PJM Interconnection LLC located?

PJM Interconnection LLC is located in 35 Cherry Tree Ln, NJ 7405