Pinewood Studios Group Company Information


Pinewood Studios Group is located in TX. Pinewood Studios Group mainly operate in the Motion Picture and Video Production industry. Currently they have estimated 80 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

80 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
6746 Firelight Ln, TX 75248
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 310 244 3770
industry icon Industry:

Motion Picture and Video Production

Employees at Pinewood Studios Group

Showing 8 of 56
Group Project Manager
London, Londo VIEW PROFILE
Strategic Advisor-Post Production Sound
Hemel Hempstead, Hertford VIEW PROFILE
Head Of Digital Recording and Editorial
Head Of Studio Operations
Twickenham, Richmond Upon Thames VIEW PROFILE
Sales Executive
Slough, Slough VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Strategy and Communications
Slough, Slough VIEW PROFILE
Mix Operations Manager
Twickenham, Richmond Upon Thames VIEW PROFILE
Re-Recording Mixer
Slough, Slough VIEW PROFILE
Group Project Manager
London, Londo
Strategic Advisor-Post Production Sound
Hemel Hempstead, Hertford
Head Of Digital Recording and Editorial
Head Of Studio Operations
Twickenham, Richmond Upon Thames
Sales Executive
Slough, Slough
Director Of Strategy and Communications
Slough, Slough
Mix Operations Manager
Twickenham, Richmond Upon Thames
Re-Recording Mixer
Slough, Slough

Frequently Asked Questions About Pinewood Studios Group

What is Pinewood Studios Group's website address?

Pinewood Studios Group's website address is

What is Pinewood Studios Group's phone number?

Pinewood Studios Group's phone number is +1 310 244 3770

How many employees work at Pinewood Studios Group?

Approximately 80 employees work at Pinewood Studios Group

Where is Pinewood Studios Group located?

Pinewood Studios Group is located in 6746 Firelight Ln, TX 75248