Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare Company Information


Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare is located in NC. Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare mainly operate in the Home Health Care Services industry. Currently they have estimated 80 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

80 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
245 Le Phillip NE Ct, NC 28025
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (704) 721-xxxx
+1 (800) 939-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Home Health Care Services

Employees at Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare

Showing 8 of 32
Employee @pizzagalliproperties.com +1 (704) 846-xxxx Gavin, Arkansas VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and General Counsel @usdoj.gov
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Employee @kodak.com +1 (585) 724-xxxx Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Employee @pbhsolutions.org
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Senior Human Resources Business Partner @pbhsolutions.org
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Liaison @pbhsolutions.org
Ratchford, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Pbh Executive Assistant To Area Director and Ceo and Coo @pbhsolutions.org
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Dd Supervisor At Cardinal Innovations @pbhsolutions.org
Concord, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and General Counsel
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Charlotte, North Carolina
Senior Human Resources Business Partner
Charlotte, North Carolina
Ratchford, Ohio
Pbh Executive Assistant To Area Director and Ceo and Coo
Charlotte, North Carolina
Dd Supervisor At Cardinal Innovations
Concord, North Carolina

Frequently Asked Questions About Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare

What is Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare's website address?

Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare's website address is http://pbhsolutions.org

What is Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare's phone number?

Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare's phone number is +1 (704) 721-xxxx

How many employees work at Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare?

Approximately 80 employees work at Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare

Where is Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare located?

Piedmont Behavioral Healthcare is located in 245 Le Phillip NE Ct, NC 28025