Orion Instruments Company Information


Orion Instruments is located in LA. Orion Instruments mainly operate in the Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing industry. Currently they have estimated 100 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

100 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
2105 Oak Villa Blvd, LA 70815
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (225) 906-xxxx
1-225 906-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Surgical and Medical Instrument Manufacturing

Employees at Orion Instruments

Showing 10 of 79
Human Resource Generalist @orioninstruments.com
Michael, Illinois VIEW PROFILE
Manager Of Operations @pepsico.com
Richmond, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Employee @hkengr.com
Mechanical Engineering Intern @orioninstruments.com
Baton Rouge, Louisiana VIEW PROFILE
Procurement and Inventory Supervisor @orioninstruments.com
Baton Rouge, Louisiana VIEW PROFILE
Indicator Lead Person @orioninstruments.com
Gonzales, Louisiana VIEW PROFILE
Logistics Coordinator @orioninstruments.com +1 (225) 906-xxxx Baton Rouge, Louisiana VIEW PROFILE
Receiving / Inventory @orioninstruments.com
Baton Rouge, Louisiana VIEW PROFILE
Manual and Cnc Machinist @orioninstruments.com
La Croix, Mexico VIEW PROFILE
Electronic Assembler @orioninstruments.com
Baton Rouge, Louisiana VIEW PROFILE
Human Resource Generalist
Michael, Illinois
Manager Of Operations
Richmond, Texas
Mechanical Engineering Intern
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Procurement and Inventory Supervisor
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Indicator Lead Person
Gonzales, Louisiana
Logistics Coordinator
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Receiving / Inventory
Baton Rouge, Louisiana
Manual and Cnc Machinist
La Croix, Mexico
Electronic Assembler
Baton Rouge, Louisiana

Orion Instruments' Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Orion Instruments employees. The most common Orion Instruments email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@orioninstruments.com) being used 89% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Orion Instruments

What is Orion Instruments's website address?

Orion Instruments's website address is http://www.orioninstruments.com

What is Orion Instruments's phone number?

Orion Instruments's phone number is +1 (225) 906-xxxx

How many email formats does Orion Instruments use?

Orion Instruments uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Orion Instruments?

Approximately 100 employees work at Orion Instruments

Where is Orion Instruments located?

Orion Instruments is located in 2105 Oak Villa Blvd, LA 70815