Las Vegas Sands Corp. Company Information


Las Vegas Sands Corp. mainly operate in the Casino Hotels industry. Currently they have estimated 380 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

380 employees

phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (702) 414-xxxx
+1 (702) 414-xxxx
1-702 414-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Casino Hotels

Employees at Las Vegas Sands Corp.

Showing 8 of 98
Vice President, Corporate Project Management
Santa Fe, New Mexico VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance Management +1 (310) 405-xxxx Los Angeles, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Interior Design +1 (312) 658-xxxx Las Vegas, Nevada VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (619) 292-xxxx New York VIEW PROFILE
Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel +1 (301) 424-xxxx North Potomac, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Corporate Finance +1 (860) 309-xxxx Las Vegas, Nevada VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (702) 414-xxxx Wilke, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Senior Associate General Counsel
Las Vegas, Nevada VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Corporate Project Management
Santa Fe, New Mexico
Senior Vice President, Corporate Finance Management
Los Angeles, California
Vice President, Interior Design
Las Vegas, Nevada
Executive Vice President and Global General Counsel
North Potomac, Maryland
Vice President - Corporate Finance
Las Vegas, Nevada
Wilke, Iowa
Vice President and Senior Associate General Counsel
Las Vegas, Nevada

Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by Las Vegas Sands Corp. employees. The most common Las Vegas Sands Corp. email format is first.last ex.( being used 70% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Las Vegas Sands Corp.

What is Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s website address?

Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s website address is

What is Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s phone number?

Las Vegas Sands Corp.'s phone number is +1 (702) 414-xxxx

How many email formats does Las Vegas Sands Corp. use?

Las Vegas Sands Corp. uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at Las Vegas Sands Corp.?

Approximately 380 employees work at Las Vegas Sands Corp.