Kautex Textron Company Information


Kautex Textron is located in MI. Kautex Textron mainly operate in the Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories industry. Currently they have estimated 0 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

0 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
750 Stephenson Hwy, MI 48083
phone icon Phone Number:
(+49) 228-xxxx
+49 2486 165395
+49 2486 165100
industry icon Industry:

Motor Vehicle Parts and Accessories

Employees at Kautex Textron

Showing 5 of 7
Quality Manager, Reporting To Vice President - Operations @dana.com
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Interim Vice President Legal and General Counsel @textron.com
Thomson, New York VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Sales and Program Management @acument.com
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @ford.com
Novi, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Supply Chain @textron.com
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Quality Manager, Reporting To Vice President - Operations
Charlotte, North Carolina
Interim Vice President Legal and General Counsel
Thomson, New York
Vice President Sales and Program Management
Detroit, Michigan
Vice President
Novi, Michigan
Vice President Supply Chain
Detroit, Michigan

Frequently Asked Questions About Kautex Textron

What is Kautex Textron's website address?

Kautex Textron's website address is http://kautex.de

What is Kautex Textron's phone number?

Kautex Textron's phone number is (+49) 228-xxxx

Where is Kautex Textron located?

Kautex Textron is located in 750 Stephenson Hwy, MI 48083