Kansas City Area Development Council Company Information


Kansas City Area Development Council is located in MO. Kansas City Area Development Council mainly operate in the Food and Kindred Products industry. Currently they have estimated 90 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

90 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
30 W Pershing Rd Ste 200, MO 64108
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (816) 221-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Food and Kindred Products

Employees at Kansas City Area Development Council

Showing 10 of 60
Kc Smartport Intern @thinkkc.com
Dallas, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Communications Intern @mbbagency.com +1 (816) 842-xxxx Kansas City, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @thinkkc.com
Employee @kansascommerce.com
Kansas City, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Capital Campaign Coordinator @hntb.com +1 (703) 824-xxxx Graham, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Internkc Sprint Representative @sprint.com
Kansas City, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Bioscience Development @thinkkc.com +1 (816) 513-xxxx Saint Joseph, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Marketing and Creative Services @thinkkc.com +1 (816) 221-xxxx Kansas City, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Employee @austinchamber.com +1 (512) 478-xxxx Austin, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Assistant To the President and Office Manager @thinkkc.com
Kansas City, Missouri VIEW PROFILE
Kc Smartport Intern
Dallas, Texas
Communications Intern
Kansas City, Missouri
Vice President
Kansas City, Missouri
Capital Campaign Coordinator
Graham, North Carolina
Internkc Sprint Representative
Kansas City, Missouri
Vice President Of Bioscience Development
Saint Joseph, Missouri
Vice President - Marketing and Creative Services
Kansas City, Missouri
Austin, Texas
Assistant To the President and Office Manager
Kansas City, Missouri

Kansas City Area Development Council's Email Format

We found 3 email formats used by Kansas City Area Development Council employees. The most common Kansas City Area Development Council email format is last ex.(doe@thinkkc.com) being used 83% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kansas City Area Development Council

What is Kansas City Area Development Council's website address?

Kansas City Area Development Council's website address is http://thinkkc.com

What is Kansas City Area Development Council's phone number?

Kansas City Area Development Council's phone number is +1 (816) 221-xxxx

How many email formats does Kansas City Area Development Council use?

Kansas City Area Development Council uses 3 email formats

How many employees work at Kansas City Area Development Council?

Approximately 90 employees work at Kansas City Area Development Council

Where is Kansas City Area Development Council located?

Kansas City Area Development Council is located in 30 W Pershing Rd Ste 200, MO 64108