Kamehameha Schools Company Information


Kamehameha Schools is located in HI. Kamehameha Schools mainly operate in the Elementary and Secondary Schools industry. Currently they have estimated 1,290 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,290 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
225 Bishop Cir, HI 96817
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (808) 523-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Elementary and Secondary Schools

Employees at Kamehameha Schools

Showing 8 of 406
Vice President, Cco @rbccm.com
Honolulu, Hawaii VIEW PROFILE
Elementary School Principal @ksbe.edu
Islands, Longford VIEW PROFILE
Internal Audit Director @ksbe.edu
Director, Asset Commercial Real Estate Management @ksbe.edu
Islands, Longford VIEW PROFILE
Employee @ksbe.edu
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Information Technology @queens.org +1 (808) 538-xxxx Honolulu, Hawaii VIEW PROFILE
Vice President For Strategic Planning and Implementation and Community Programs @bearingpoint.com
Honolulu, Hawaii VIEW PROFILE
President and Headmaster @ksbe.edu +1 (808) 842-xxxx Waimanalo, Hawaii VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Cco
Honolulu, Hawaii
Elementary School Principal
Islands, Longford
Internal Audit Director
Director, Asset Commercial Real Estate Management
Islands, Longford
Charlotte, North Carolina
Director Of Information Technology
Honolulu, Hawaii
Vice President For Strategic Planning and Implementation and Community Programs
Honolulu, Hawaii
President and Headmaster
Waimanalo, Hawaii

Kamehameha Schools' Email Format

We found 9 email formats used by Kamehameha Schools employees. The most common Kamehameha Schools email format is others ex.(@ksbe.edu) being used 53% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Kamehameha Schools

What is Kamehameha Schools's website address?

Kamehameha Schools's website address is http://ksbe.edu

What is Kamehameha Schools's phone number?

Kamehameha Schools's phone number is +1 (808) 523-xxxx

How many email formats does Kamehameha Schools use?

Kamehameha Schools uses 9 email formats

How many employees work at Kamehameha Schools?

Approximately 1,290 employees work at Kamehameha Schools

Where is Kamehameha Schools located?

Kamehameha Schools is located in 225 Bishop Cir, HI 96817