Jundt Art Museum Company Information


Jundt Art Museum is located in WA. Jundt Art Museum mainly operate in the Colleges and Universities industry. Currently they have estimated 2,280 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,280 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
502 E Boone Ave, WA 99258
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (800) 986-xxxx
+1 (202) 336-xxxx
+1 (509) 328-xxxx
+1 (800) 322-xxxx
(509) 323-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Colleges and Universities

Employees at Jundt Art Museum

Showing 10 of 1107
Junior Class President @boeing.com
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
Program Director, Organizational Leadership @gonzaga.edu
Spokane, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Development, Leadership Gifts @gonzaga.edu +1 (509) 328-xxxx Spokane, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Assistant To Vice President Of Student Life @nordstrom.com
Washington, District Of Columbia VIEW PROFILE
Gonzaga Student Body Association Vice President @remotemedical.com
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Vice President @gonzaga.edu +1 (509) 328-xxxx Spokane, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Telefund Supervisor @watrust.com
Spokane, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Portland Alumni Chapter President @nextit.com
Portland, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Finance @gonzaga.edu
Spokane, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Computer Lab Attendant-Herak Engineering Lab @gonzaga.edu
Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Junior Class President
San Francisco, California
Program Director, Organizational Leadership
Spokane, Washington
Director Of Development, Leadership Gifts
Spokane, Washington
Assistant To Vice President Of Student Life
Washington, District Of Columbia
Gonzaga Student Body Association Vice President
Seattle, Washington
Vice President
Spokane, Washington
Telefund Supervisor
Spokane, Washington
Portland Alumni Chapter President
Portland, Oregon
Vice President Finance
Spokane, Washington
Computer Lab Attendant-Herak Engineering Lab
Seattle, Washington

Jundt Art Museum's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Jundt Art Museum employees. The most common Jundt Art Museum email format is last ex.(doe@gonzaga.edu) being used 70% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Jundt Art Museum

What is Jundt Art Museum's website address?

Jundt Art Museum's website address is http://www.gonzaga.edu

What is Jundt Art Museum's phone number?

Jundt Art Museum's phone number is +1 (800) 986-xxxx

How many email formats does Jundt Art Museum use?

Jundt Art Museum uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Jundt Art Museum?

Approximately 2,280 employees work at Jundt Art Museum

Where is Jundt Art Museum located?

Jundt Art Museum is located in 502 E Boone Ave, WA 99258