Intrexon Corporation Company Information


Intrexon Corporation is located in MD. Intrexon Corporation mainly operate in the Business Services industry. Currently they have estimated 110 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

110 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
20374 Seneca Meadows Pkwy, MD 20876
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 301-556-9900
+1 (301) 556-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Business Services

Employees at Intrexon Corporation

Showing 7 of 21
President, Ultravector Division and Svp
Kalamazoo, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Acting President, Environment Sector, Vice President, Business Development, Environment Sector
Palm Beach, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Ceo +1 (301) 556-xxxx Blacksburg, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Strategy and Business Analytics
San Francisco, California VIEW PROFILE
President Of Protein Production Division and Senior Vice President +1 (540) 961-xxxx Blacksburg, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President, Environment Sector +1 (713) 512-xxxx Houston, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President - Ultravector Division
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
President, Ultravector Division and Svp
Kalamazoo, Michigan
Acting President, Environment Sector, Vice President, Business Development, Environment Sector
Palm Beach, Florida
Blacksburg, Virginia
Vice President, Strategy and Business Analytics
San Francisco, California
President Of Protein Production Division and Senior Vice President
Blacksburg, Virginia
Senior Vice President, Environment Sector
Houston, Texas
Vice President - Ultravector Division
New York, New York

Frequently Asked Questions About Intrexon Corporation

What is Intrexon Corporation's website address?

Intrexon Corporation's website address is

What is Intrexon Corporation's phone number?

Intrexon Corporation's phone number is +1 301-556-9900

How many employees work at Intrexon Corporation?

Approximately 110 employees work at Intrexon Corporation

Where is Intrexon Corporation located?

Intrexon Corporation is located in 20374 Seneca Meadows Pkwy, MD 20876