Hasbro Inc. Company Information


Hasbro Inc. is located in RI. Hasbro Inc. mainly operate in the Clothing Accessories Stores industry. Currently they have estimated 3,310 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

3,310 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1027 Newport Ave, RI 2861
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (401) 431-xxxx
+1 800-255-5516
industry icon Industry:

Clothing Accessories Stores

Employees at Hasbro Inc.

Showing 7 of 1137
Employee @hasbro.com +1 (401) 431-xxxx Pawtucket, Rhode Island VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Human Resources @ge.com +1 (818) 560-xxxx Burbank, California VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Customer Financial Services @gecapital.com +1 (401) 431-xxxx New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Employee @hasbro.com
Barrington, Rhode Island VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President, Corporate Tax @hasbro.com
Admisitrative Assistant-Advanced Technology and Innovation @chicos.com
Fort Myers, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Associate Manager, Community Relations @lifespan.org +1 (401) 727-xxxx Colman, South Dakota VIEW PROFILE
Pawtucket, Rhode Island
Vice President Human Resources
Burbank, California
Vice President, Customer Financial Services
New York, New York
Barrington, Rhode Island
Senior Vice President, Corporate Tax
Admisitrative Assistant-Advanced Technology and Innovation
Fort Myers, Florida
Associate Manager, Community Relations
Colman, South Dakota

Hasbro Inc.'s Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by Hasbro Inc. employees. The most common Hasbro Inc. email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@hasbro.com) being used 54% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Hasbro Inc.

What is Hasbro Inc.'s website address?

Hasbro Inc.'s website address is http://www.hasbro.com

What is Hasbro Inc.'s phone number?

Hasbro Inc.'s phone number is +1 (401) 431-xxxx

How many email formats does Hasbro Inc. use?

Hasbro Inc. uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at Hasbro Inc.?

Approximately 3,310 employees work at Hasbro Inc.

Where is Hasbro Inc. located?

Hasbro Inc. is located in 1027 Newport Ave, RI 2861