French Lick Springs Resort Company Information


French Lick Springs Resort is located in IN. French Lick Springs Resort mainly operate in the Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels industry. Currently they have estimated 540 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

540 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
8670 W State Road 56, IN 47432
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (812) 936-xxxx
+1 (888) 936-xxxx
+1 (812) 936-xxxx
+1 (812) 936-xxxx
1-812 936-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Hotels (except Casino Hotels) and Motels

Employees at French Lick Springs Resort

Showing 9 of 419
Marketing and Entertainment Executive
Nashville, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Conference Attendant
Evansville, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Guest Services Attendent
Johnson, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Second Assistant Golf Professional
Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Sales and Markerting
Baltimore, Maryland VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Casino Operations +1 (812) 936-xxxx French Lick, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Intern-Conferences and Events
Tazewell, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Summer Internship-Grounds Crew
Spencer, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Marketing and Entertainment Executive
Nashville, Indiana
Conference Attendant
Evansville, Indiana
Guest Services Attendent
Johnson, Wisconsin
Second Assistant Golf Professional
Vice President Of Sales and Markerting
Baltimore, Maryland
Vice President Casino Operations
French Lick, Indiana
Intern-Conferences and Events
Tazewell, Texas
Summer Internship-Grounds Crew
Spencer, Massachusetts

French Lick Springs Resort's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by French Lick Springs Resort employees. The most common French Lick Springs Resort email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 82% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About French Lick Springs Resort

What is French Lick Springs Resort's website address?

French Lick Springs Resort's website address is

What is French Lick Springs Resort's phone number?

French Lick Springs Resort's phone number is +1 (812) 936-xxxx

How many email formats does French Lick Springs Resort use?

French Lick Springs Resort uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at French Lick Springs Resort?

Approximately 540 employees work at French Lick Springs Resort

Where is French Lick Springs Resort located?

French Lick Springs Resort is located in 8670 W State Road 56, IN 47432