FREDS INC Company Information


FREDS INC is located in TN. FREDS INC mainly operate in the Miscellaneous Retail industry. Currently they have estimated 2,010 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

2,010 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
4300 Getwell Rd, TN 38118
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (205) 853-xxxx
+1 (205) 853-xxxx
1-901 365-xxxx
+1 (800) 374-7417 ext. 2163
+1 (901) 365-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Miscellaneous Retail

Employees at FREDS INC

Showing 10 of 198
Executive Assistant To Executive Vice President and Cmo-Merchandising +1 (901) 238-xxxx Olive Branch, Mississippi VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Benefits +1 (901) 254-xxxx Franklin, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Regional Vice President
Maxwell, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Pricing and Planning +1 (919) 573-xxxx Raleigh, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President Of Distribution and Transportation
Jacobs, Kansas VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Planning and Analysis
Memphis, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, E-Commerce Development
Vice President Of Pharmacy Systems ► Growing Pharmacy Business With Technology
Memphis, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Vice President It Infrastructure, Operations and Retail Systems +1 (901) 238-xxxx Southaven, Mississippi VIEW PROFILE
Assistant To President / Ceo and Svp Hr
Memphis, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Executive Assistant To Executive Vice President and Cmo-Merchandising
Olive Branch, Mississippi
Director Of Benefits
Franklin, Tennessee
Regional Vice President
Maxwell, Texas
Vice President Pricing and Planning
Raleigh, North Carolina
Senior Vice President Of Distribution and Transportation
Jacobs, Kansas
Vice President Planning and Analysis
Memphis, Tennessee
Vice President, E-Commerce Development
Price, Utah
Vice President Of Pharmacy Systems ► Growing Pharmacy Business With Technology
Memphis, Tennessee
Vice President It Infrastructure, Operations and Retail Systems
Southaven, Mississippi
Assistant To President / Ceo and Svp Hr
Memphis, Tennessee

FREDS INC's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by FREDS INC employees. The most common FREDS INC email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 65% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About FREDS INC

What is FREDS INC's website address?

FREDS INC's website address is

What is FREDS INC's phone number?

FREDS INC's phone number is +1 (205) 853-xxxx

How many email formats does FREDS INC use?

FREDS INC uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at FREDS INC?

Approximately 2,010 employees work at FREDS INC

Where is FREDS INC located?

FREDS INC is located in 4300 Getwell Rd, TN 38118