Fairbanks North Star Borough School District Company Information

Employees at Fairbanks North Star Borough School District

Showing 15 of 764
Computer Tech @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Educator @k12northstar.org
Collins, Wisconsin VIEW PROFILE
Employee @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Lms Secretary @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Employee @k12northstar.org
Serva, Zabaykal'Skiy Kray VIEW PROFILE
Substitute @k12northstar.org
North Pole, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Employee @alaska.gov
Foote, Mississippi VIEW PROFILE
School Counselor @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Integrated Instructional Technology Teacher @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Applications Manager @alaska.edu +1 (907) 450-xxxx Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
School Nurse At Joy Elementary @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Employee @k12northstar.org
North Pole, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Liaison / Tutor @k12northstar.org +1 (907) 452-xxxx Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Employee @k12northstar.org
Fairbanks, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Executive Director Community Services @k12northstar.org
Juneau, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Computer Tech
Fairbanks, Alaska
Collins, Wisconsin
Fairbanks, Alaska
Lms Secretary
Fairbanks, Alaska
Serva, Zabaykal'Skiy Kray
North Pole, Alaska
Foote, Mississippi
School Counselor
Fairbanks, Alaska
Integrated Instructional Technology Teacher
Fairbanks, Alaska
Applications Manager
Fairbanks, Alaska
School Nurse At Joy Elementary
Fairbanks, Alaska
North Pole, Alaska
Liaison / Tutor
Fairbanks, Alaska
Fairbanks, Alaska
Executive Director Community Services
Juneau, Alaska

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Fairbanks North Star Borough School District employees. The most common Fairbanks North Star Borough School District email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@k12northstar.org) being used 91% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Fairbanks North Star Borough School District

What is Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's website address?

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's website address is http://k12northstar.org

What is Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's phone number?

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District's phone number is +1 (907) 451-xxxx

How many email formats does Fairbanks North Star Borough School District use?

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Fairbanks North Star Borough School District?

Approximately 1,560 employees work at Fairbanks North Star Borough School District

Where is Fairbanks North Star Borough School District located?

Fairbanks North Star Borough School District is located in 520 5th Ave, AK 99701