Elkhart Products Corporation Company Information


Elkhart Products Corporation is located in IN. Elkhart Products Corporation mainly operate in the Plumbing, Heating, Air-conditioning industry. Currently they have estimated 340 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

340 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
1255 Oak St, IN 46514
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (574) 264-xxxx
(574) 264-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Plumbing, Heating, Air-conditioning

Employees at Elkhart Products Corporation

Showing 10 of 176
Field Sales Technician @elkhartproducts.com +1 (574) 264-xxxx Hembree, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
President @elkhartproducts.com
Elkhart, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Vice President / Controller @elkhartbrass.com +1 (574) 295-xxxx Elkhart, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Engineering / Quality Assurance Manager @elkhartproducts.com
Matthews, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Former Vicepresident Sales and Marketing @elkhartproducts.com
Elkhart, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Director Of National Accounts @elkhartproducts.com
Goodwin, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Various Positions @elkhartproducts.com
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Vice President General Manager @elkhartproducts.com
South Bend, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Marketing Manager Regional Sales Manager Account Manager @elkhartproducts.com
Fort Lauderdale, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Manufacturing Engineer @elkhartproducts.com
South Bend, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Field Sales Technician
Hembree, Tennessee
Elkhart, Indiana
Vice President / Controller
Elkhart, Indiana
Engineering / Quality Assurance Manager
Matthews, North Carolina
Former Vicepresident Sales and Marketing
Elkhart, Indiana
Director Of National Accounts
Goodwin, West Virginia
Various Positions
Detroit, Michigan
Vice President General Manager
South Bend, Indiana
Marketing Manager Regional Sales Manager Account Manager
Fort Lauderdale, Florida
Manufacturing Engineer
South Bend, Indiana

Elkhart Products Corporation's Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by Elkhart Products Corporation employees. The most common Elkhart Products Corporation email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@elkhartproducts.com) being used 75% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Elkhart Products Corporation

What is Elkhart Products Corporation's website address?

Elkhart Products Corporation's website address is http://elkhartproducts.com

What is Elkhart Products Corporation's phone number?

Elkhart Products Corporation's phone number is +1 (574) 264-xxxx

How many email formats does Elkhart Products Corporation use?

Elkhart Products Corporation uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at Elkhart Products Corporation?

Approximately 340 employees work at Elkhart Products Corporation

Where is Elkhart Products Corporation located?

Elkhart Products Corporation is located in 1255 Oak St, IN 46514