Diebold Nixdorf Company Information

Employees at Diebold Nixdorf

Showing 13 of 2420
Employee @diebold.com +1 (212) 250-xxxx New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Senior Director Strategy and Operations @verint.com
Atlanta, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Engineering and Advance Developmen @diebold.com +1 (330) 490-xxxx North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President and Corporate Controller @diebold.com +1 (330) 490-xxxx North Canton, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Security Solutions @diebold.com +1 (330) 498-xxxx North Canton, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President, Sales @diebold.com
Atlanta, Georgia VIEW PROFILE
Sales Representative @diebold.com +1 (704) 599-xxxx Canton, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Global Materials Manager @diebold.com +1 (330) 490-xxxx North Canton, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Strategic Initiatives and Business Development @honeywell.com +1 (770) 476-xxxx Gonzales, California VIEW PROFILE
Employee @diebold.com
Cleveland, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Employee @diebold.com
Cleveland, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President – International Integrated, Managed and Professional Services @diebold.com
Cleveland, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Investor Relations @diebold.com +1 (330) 490-xxxx North Canton, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
New York, New York
Senior Director Strategy and Operations
Atlanta, Georgia
Vice President, Engineering and Advance Developmen
North Carolina
Vice President and Corporate Controller
North Canton, Ohio
Vice President, Security Solutions
North Canton, Ohio
Senior Vice President, Sales
Atlanta, Georgia
Sales Representative
Canton, Ohio
Global Materials Manager
North Canton, Ohio
Vice President Strategic Initiatives and Business Development
Gonzales, California
Cleveland, Ohio
Cleveland, Ohio
Vice President – International Integrated, Managed and Professional Services
Cleveland, Ohio
Vice President, Investor Relations
North Canton, Ohio

Diebold Nixdorf's Email Format

We found 8 email formats used by Diebold Nixdorf employees. The most common Diebold Nixdorf email format is first.last ex.(jane.doe@diebold.com) being used 68% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Diebold Nixdorf

What is Diebold Nixdorf's website address?

Diebold Nixdorf's website address is http://www.diebold.com

What is Diebold Nixdorf's phone number?

Diebold Nixdorf's phone number is 1-330 490-xxxx

How many email formats does Diebold Nixdorf use?

Diebold Nixdorf uses 8 email formats

How many employees work at Diebold Nixdorf?

Approximately 9,940 employees work at Diebold Nixdorf

Where is Diebold Nixdorf located?

Diebold Nixdorf is located in 5995 Mayfair Rd, OH 44720