Butler VA Medical Center Company Information


Butler VA Medical Center is located in PA. Butler VA Medical Center mainly operate in the Individual and Family Social Services industry. Currently they have estimated 170 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

170 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
383 New Castle Rd, PA 16001
phone icon Phone Number:
(724) 287-xxxx
+1 (724) 283-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Individual and Family Social Services

Employees at Butler VA Medical Center

Showing 10 of 144
Administrative Intern @lifesteps.net
Butler, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Executive Assistant To the President @lifesteps.net
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Family and Childrens Services @ccac.edu +1 (412) 469-xxxx Florence, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Regional Director @lifesteps.net
Wellsburg, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Casemanager @lifesteps.net
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Personnel Recruiter / Trainer @lifesteps.net
Youngstown, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Employee @northwood.com
Baden, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
It Intern @lifesteps.net
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Child Development Specialist @lifesteps.net
Freeman, West Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Group Supervisor, Substitute @lifesteps.net
Administrative Intern
Butler, Pennsylvania
Executive Assistant To the President
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Vice President, Family and Childrens Services
Florence, South Carolina
Regional Director
Wellsburg, West Virginia
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Personnel Recruiter / Trainer
Youngstown, Ohio
Baden, Pennsylvania
It Intern
Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Child Development Specialist
Freeman, West Virginia
Assistant Group Supervisor, Substitute

Butler VA Medical Center's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Butler VA Medical Center employees. The most common Butler VA Medical Center email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@lifesteps.net) being used 88% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Butler VA Medical Center

What is Butler VA Medical Center's website address?

Butler VA Medical Center's website address is http://lifesteps.net

What is Butler VA Medical Center's phone number?

Butler VA Medical Center's phone number is (724) 287-xxxx

How many email formats does Butler VA Medical Center use?

Butler VA Medical Center uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Butler VA Medical Center?

Approximately 170 employees work at Butler VA Medical Center

Where is Butler VA Medical Center located?

Butler VA Medical Center is located in 383 New Castle Rd, PA 16001