Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. Company Information


Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. is located in SC. Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. mainly operate in the Construction Of Buildings industry. Currently they have estimated 590 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

590 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
645 Rosewood Dr, SC 29201
phone icon Phone Number:
(803) 799-xxxx
+43 2412 4123
+1 (803) 799-xxxx
+1 (803) 748-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Construction Of Buildings

Employees at Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.

Showing 8 of 224
Senior Vice President +1 (803) 799-xxxx Columbia, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Gilmour, Indiana VIEW PROFILE
Assitant Vice President +1 (704) 598-xxxx Concord, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President +1 (803) 799-xxxx Swansea, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Project Manager +1 (803) 799-xxxx Kernersville, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President +1 (803) 799-xxxx Knoxville, Tennessee VIEW PROFILE
Senior Estimator
Colorado Springs, Colorado VIEW PROFILE
Charlotte, North Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Senior Vice President
Columbia, South Carolina
Gilmour, Indiana
Assitant Vice President
Concord, North Carolina
Vice President
Swansea, South Carolina
Project Manager
Kernersville, North Carolina
Vice President
Knoxville, Tennessee
Senior Estimator
Colorado Springs, Colorado
Charlotte, North Carolina

Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.'s Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. employees. The most common Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. email format is first last ex.( being used 86% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.

What is Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.'s website address?

Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.'s website address is

What is Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.'s phone number?

Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.'s phone number is (803) 799-xxxx

How many email formats does Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. use?

Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.?

Approximately 590 employees work at Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc.

Where is Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. located?

Bonitz Flooring Group , Inc. is located in 645 Rosewood Dr, SC 29201