Boart Longyear Company Company Information


Boart Longyear Company is located in UT. Boart Longyear Company mainly operate in the Drilling Oil and Gas Wells industry. Currently they have estimated 1,780 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,780 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
10808 S River Front Pkwy, UT 84095
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (801) 972-xxxx
+1 (866) 786-xxxx
+1 (801) 977-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Drilling Oil and Gas Wells

Employees at Boart Longyear Company

Showing 10 of 495
Associate General Counsel, Vice President Of Audit and Risk
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Engineering +1 (801) 972-xxxx Moody, New York VIEW PROFILE
Zone Ehs and Training Manager Indochina +1 (801) 972-xxxx Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (801) 972-xxxx Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Environmental and Infrastructure Drilling Services +1 (770) 447-xxxx Buckner, Virginia VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Global Ehs
Phoenix, Arizona VIEW PROFILE
Zone Manager +1 (503) 692-xxxx Tualatin, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
Cfo, North America
Mobile, Alabama VIEW PROFILE
Vice President +1 (801) 972-xxxx Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Associate General Counsel, Vice President Of Audit and Risk
City, Texas
Salt Lake City, Utah
Vice President Engineering
Moody, New York
Zone Ehs and Training Manager Indochina
Salt Lake City, Utah
Salt Lake City, Utah
Vice President Environmental and Infrastructure Drilling Services
Buckner, Virginia
Vice President Global Ehs
Phoenix, Arizona
Zone Manager
Tualatin, Oregon
Cfo, North America
Mobile, Alabama
Vice President
Salt Lake City, Utah

Boart Longyear Company's Email Format

We found 6 email formats used by Boart Longyear Company employees. The most common Boart Longyear Company email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 55% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Boart Longyear Company

What is Boart Longyear Company's website address?

Boart Longyear Company's website address is

What is Boart Longyear Company's phone number?

Boart Longyear Company's phone number is +1 (801) 972-xxxx

How many email formats does Boart Longyear Company use?

Boart Longyear Company uses 6 email formats

How many employees work at Boart Longyear Company?

Approximately 1,780 employees work at Boart Longyear Company

Where is Boart Longyear Company located?

Boart Longyear Company is located in 10808 S River Front Pkwy, UT 84095