BioFire Defense LLC Company Information


BioFire Defense LLC is located in UT. BioFire Defense LLC mainly operate in the Commercial Physical and Biological Research industry. Currently they have estimated 50 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

50 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
79 W 4500 S Ste 14, UT 84107
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (801) 262-xxxx
(801) 262-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Commercial Physical and Biological Research

Employees at BioFire Defense LLC

Showing 9 of 43
Vice President Of Operations +1 (502) 744-xxxx Brock, South Carolina VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Food Security Systems
Vice President Of Manufacturing Operations
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
International Sales Manager
Product Transfer Coordinator
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Quality Engineer Ii
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Manufacturing Engineering Technician
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Contract / Project Accounting Manager
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Senior Software Engineer / Software Project Manager
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Of Operations
Brock, South Carolina
Vice President Food Security Systems
Draper, Utah
Vice President Of Manufacturing Operations
Salt Lake City, Utah
International Sales Manager
Product Transfer Coordinator
Salt Lake City, Utah
Quality Engineer Ii
Salt Lake City, Utah
Manufacturing Engineering Technician
Salt Lake City, Utah
Contract / Project Accounting Manager
Salt Lake City, Utah
Senior Software Engineer / Software Project Manager
Salt Lake City, Utah

BioFire Defense LLC's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by BioFire Defense LLC employees. The most common BioFire Defense LLC email format is first.last ex.( being used 93% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About BioFire Defense LLC

What is BioFire Defense LLC's website address?

BioFire Defense LLC's website address is

What is BioFire Defense LLC's phone number?

BioFire Defense LLC's phone number is +1 (801) 262-xxxx

How many email formats does BioFire Defense LLC use?

BioFire Defense LLC uses 4 email formats

How many employees work at BioFire Defense LLC?

Approximately 50 employees work at BioFire Defense LLC

Where is BioFire Defense LLC located?

BioFire Defense LLC is located in 79 W 4500 S Ste 14, UT 84107