Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company Company Information


Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company is located in IA. Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company mainly operate in the Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services industry. Currently they have estimated 0 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

0 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
666 Grand Ave, IA 50309
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (515) 281-xxxx
+1 (515) 242-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Electric, Gas and Sanitary Services

Employees at Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company

Showing 4 of 5
Vice President Safety, Employee and Labor Relations +1 (515) 281-xxxx Des Moines, Iowa VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (503) 861-xxxx Warrenton, Oregon VIEW PROFILE
President-Kern River Gas Transmission Company
Salt Lake City, Utah VIEW PROFILE
Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs
Minneapolis, Minnesota VIEW PROFILE
Vice President Safety, Employee and Labor Relations
Des Moines, Iowa
Warrenton, Oregon
President-Kern River Gas Transmission Company
Salt Lake City, Utah
Vice President, Communications and Public Affairs
Minneapolis, Minnesota

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company's Email Format

We found 4 email formats used by Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company employees. The most common Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company email format is first.last ex.( being used 38% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company

What is Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company's website address?

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company's website address is

What is Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company's phone number?

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company's phone number is +1 (515) 281-xxxx

How many email formats does Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company use?

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company uses 4 email formats

Where is Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company located?

Berkshire Hathaway Energy Company is located in 666 Grand Ave, IA 50309