Bates College Company Information

Employees at Bates College

Showing 12 of 2104
Associate Dean Of Admission +1 (207) 786-xxxx Lewiston, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Charlotte, Vermont VIEW PROFILE
Hanover, New Hampshire VIEW PROFILE
Director, Bates College Museum Of Art
Auburn, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Managing Arts and Leisure Editor
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Writing Specialist In Humanities and Social Sciences
Auburn, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Visiting Professor
Portland, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Saint Petersburg, Florida VIEW PROFILE
Writing Assistant +1 (202) 257-xxxx City, Texas VIEW PROFILE
Teaching Assistant +1 (207) 786-xxxx Seattle, Washington VIEW PROFILE
Honors Thesis
Portland, Maine VIEW PROFILE
Research Assistant, Department Of Economics
Waterloo, Ontario VIEW PROFILE
Associate Dean Of Admission
Lewiston, Maine
Charlotte, Vermont
Hanover, New Hampshire
Director, Bates College Museum Of Art
Auburn, Maine
Managing Arts and Leisure Editor
New York, New York
Writing Specialist In Humanities and Social Sciences
Auburn, Maine
Visiting Professor
Portland, Maine
Saint Petersburg, Florida
Writing Assistant
City, Texas
Teaching Assistant
Seattle, Washington
Honors Thesis
Portland, Maine
Research Assistant, Department Of Economics
Waterloo, Ontario

Bates College's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Bates College employees. The most common Bates College email format is first_initial last ex.( being used 61% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Bates College

What is Bates College's website address?

Bates College's website address is

What is Bates College's phone number?

Bates College's phone number is +1 (207) 786-xxxx

How many email formats does Bates College use?

Bates College uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Bates College?

Approximately 4,960 employees work at Bates College

Where is Bates College located?

Bates College is located in 2 Andrews Rd, ME 4240