Archdiocese of New York Company Information


Archdiocese of New York is located in NY. Archdiocese of New York mainly operate in the Religious Organizations industry. Currently they have estimated 1,830 employees.

url icon Website:
Social Social Social
size company icon Size:

1,830 employees

headquarters icon Headquarters:
218 Church St, NY 12601
phone icon Phone Number:
+1 (212) 980-xxxx
(212) 371-xxxx
+1 (516) 354-xxxx
+1 (212) 371-xxxx
industry icon Industry:

Religious Organizations

Employees at Archdiocese of New York

Showing 10 of 662
Regional Director Of the Cardinal's Annual Appeal
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania VIEW PROFILE
Administrative Assistant / Office Manager Of the Cardinal's Annual Appeal
Barrow, Alaska VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (845) 575-xxxx New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Coordinator, Cardinal's Committee Of the Laity
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Assistant Director Of Finance and Administration
Development Consultant / Deputy Director / Associate Director
Cincinnati, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Intern, Parish Financial Services
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Employee +1 (212) 371-xxxx New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Mental Health Services
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Director Of Gift Planning
New York, New York VIEW PROFILE
Regional Director Of the Cardinal's Annual Appeal
Philadelphia, Pennsylvania
Administrative Assistant / Office Manager Of the Cardinal's Annual Appeal
Barrow, Alaska
New York, New York
Coordinator, Cardinal's Committee Of the Laity
New York, New York
Assistant Director Of Finance and Administration
Development Consultant / Deputy Director / Associate Director
Cincinnati, Ohio
Intern, Parish Financial Services
New York, New York
New York, New York
Director Of Mental Health Services
New York, New York
Director Of Gift Planning
New York, New York

Archdiocese of New York's Email Format

We found 5 email formats used by Archdiocese of New York employees. The most common Archdiocese of New York email format is first.last ex.( being used 85% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About Archdiocese of New York

What is Archdiocese of New York's website address?

Archdiocese of New York's website address is

What is Archdiocese of New York's phone number?

Archdiocese of New York's phone number is +1 (212) 980-xxxx

How many email formats does Archdiocese of New York use?

Archdiocese of New York uses 5 email formats

How many employees work at Archdiocese of New York?

Approximately 1,830 employees work at Archdiocese of New York

Where is Archdiocese of New York located?

Archdiocese of New York is located in 218 Church St, NY 12601