A123 Systems , Inc. Company Information

Employees at A123 Systems , Inc.

Showing 14 of 1127
Employee @ford.com +1 (313) 671-xxxx Troy, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Advanced Manufacturing Engineer @a123systems.com
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Tech Development Engineer V @a123systems.com +1 (617) 972-xxxx Ziegler, Bremen VIEW PROFILE
Senior Supplier Quality Engineer @a123systems.com
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Principal Engineer @a123systems.com
Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Senior Accounts Payable Coordinator @a123systems.com
Cambridge, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Operations @cobasys.com +1 (734) 747-xxxx Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Cell Technician Lab @flextronics.com
Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Mes Intern @a123systems.com
Archbold, Ohio VIEW PROFILE
Senior Engineering Manager @a123systems.com +1 (617) 972-xxxx Boston, Massachusetts VIEW PROFILE
Manufacturing Execution System Engineer @a123systems.com +1 (617) 778-xxxx Riverview, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Employee @a123systems.com
Sales and Marketing Director, China @a123systems.com
Employee @lear.com +1 (734) 772-xxxx Detroit, Michigan VIEW PROFILE
Troy, Michigan
Advanced Manufacturing Engineer
Detroit, Michigan
Tech Development Engineer V
Ziegler, Bremen
Senior Supplier Quality Engineer
Detroit, Michigan
Principal Engineer
Detroit, Michigan
Senior Accounts Payable Coordinator
Cambridge, Massachusetts
Detroit, Michigan
Cell Technician Lab
Boston, Massachusetts
Mes Intern
Archbold, Ohio
Senior Engineering Manager
Boston, Massachusetts
Manufacturing Execution System Engineer
Riverview, Michigan
Sales and Marketing Director, China
Detroit, Michigan

A123 Systems , Inc.'s Email Format

We found 7 email formats used by A123 Systems , Inc. employees. The most common A123 Systems , Inc. email format is first_initial last ex.(jdoe@a123systems.com) being used 80% of the time.

Frequently Asked Questions About A123 Systems , Inc.

What is A123 Systems , Inc.'s website address?

A123 Systems , Inc.'s website address is http://a123systems.com

What is A123 Systems , Inc.'s phone number?

A123 Systems , Inc.'s phone number is +1 (734) 772-xxxx

How many email formats does A123 Systems , Inc. use?

A123 Systems , Inc. uses 7 email formats

How many employees work at A123 Systems , Inc.?

Approximately 1,770 employees work at A123 Systems , Inc.

Where is A123 Systems , Inc. located?

A123 Systems , Inc. is located in 39000 7 Mile Rd, MI 48152